Today: 9:00AM - 6:00PM

Save Money on Gasoline

Save Money on Gasoline

Gas prices are near their highest since the last winter and if winter temperatures are colder than anticipated, we may be in for an increase in fuel prices. Making an effort to save money on gasoline is always wise in light of these findings. Here are some tips to help cut costs at the pump and use less fuel during errands and daily commutes.

Find the lowest gas prices in your area.

Take note of the gas prices in your area. The most efficient way to do this is to search your local gas stations using apps that will provide gas prices in your area. The is a popular site with a database of more than 150,000 gas stations, updated in real-time.

Avoid heavy traffic.

Drive during times of the day likely to have less traffic. Your car is much more fuel-efficient when traveling at a constant speed. Utilize GPS systems, and phone apps like Waze to help you navigate away from traffic jams.

Drive slower.

Most vehicles provide the best fuel efficiency around 55 mph. For sports cars, the number is a little higher. Then the number is lower for big trucks and SUVs. Driving 80 mph will certainly use quite a bit more fuel than one traveling down the road at 65 mph. Slowing down will conserve fuel and help you save money.

Monitor your fluids and change your filters.

Be sure to keep your fluids at proper levels to minimize wear and tear. Less friction on your car means more miles per gallon. Change your filters regularly as they help the engine run more efficiently.

Check your tire pressure and alignment.

Tires with the optimal air pressure and alignment give your car as much as 3.5% better gas mileage. Stop by a gas station with free air to inflate your tires. Invest in a tire gauge and routinely check your tires once a week.

Drive less.

Leave your car at home and drive as little as you can. Ride your bike, carpool with friends, or look into public transportation. Combine all of your errands into one trip to avoid repeat trips into town.