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Can I Change Just One Tire?

Can I just change one tire

The question of whether you can change just one tire depends on the tire of your car. It is not essential to change all the tires of your car when there is no need to. Tires last long, and you only need to replace them once they are worn out. Replacing tires is an art you must know if you happen to own a car. It can be very beneficial at a time when you get stuck. Below are some points which you must keep in mind before replacing a single tire.

Treads on your tire:

Replacing just one tire can adversely affect the car's performance, so it is essential to check the treads on the other tires. If the tires are new and well-conditioned, then there is no need to replace your car's other tires. Ensure you check and compare all the tires before planning to replace just one tire. The difference between the new tire and the old one should be around 1/8". If you see this difference, then it is time to get new tires.

Keep all tires of the same model:

Different vehicles have different tires. To confirm that you put the right tire, ensure that they match the opposite side's model. The rear and front tires differ from each other, so if you are changing the right side of your front tire, it should always match the tire's left model. It is essential to match both the tires, or else there might be issues with driving. If both the tires are not the same, then the performance of the car will suffer. The braking, agility, and acceleration will change, making it difficult for you to drive.

Type of Vehicle:

One of the most prominent things to keep in mind is the type of vehicle you own. If you own an SUV with All Wheel Drive capability, it is highly recommended to change all the tires at once. There are several reasons why you should change all your tires at once if you own an AWD vehicle. In AWD vehicles, the tires have the capability of moving at different speeds. If the tires are not the same, it might cause the vehicle to slip easily. Also, the engine components will have to take up more pressure to run a different tire.

Many people believe that changing just one tire won't cause much of a difference, but it is true that sometimes due to one different tire, there can be severe issues. Several experts and AWD owners recommend changing all the tires at once. SUVs with AWD capability have some extreme performance, which gets disrupted when the tires are not like each other.

Consult a Professional:

If you love your car and want the best, it is highly recommended to consult with a professional before changing a single tire. This professional can be anyone who has knowledge of tires and can replace it themselves. They would guide you and offer the best solution at no cost at all.

To keep your car tires healthy, ensure you check the air pressure from time to time and keep it adjusted if required. Always rotate your tires as recommended in the manual to keep your tires running good all the time. These tips will help you to take the right care of your car tires.

If you need tire service or any other maintenance, please schedule service with us today and make sure to check out our service specials before you do!